


学校将举办英语写作比赛。请根据所给提示,以“My life in 20 years”为题,写一篇参赛短文,分享你对未来的憧憬。


注意事项:1. 词数:100 词左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数);

2. 文中不能出现真实姓名、校名等信息;

3. 文章必须包含所提供的主要信息,并作适当发挥。


1. 定基调

体裁:说明文 时态:以一般将来时为主 人称:以第一人称为主

2. 列提纲、写句子


3. 巧衔接

(1) 成文时,句子之间如果是并列关系,可以使用and来连接。

(2) 成文时,句子之间如果是因果关系,可以使用because来连接。

(3) 本文多处使用了平行结构I will … 和We will …,这样可以使得句子之间衔接紧凑,在语义上具有明显的统一性和连贯性。此外,平行结构I’m working hard … 的使用使得文章首尾呼应,使全篇成为一个有机统一体。

4. 成篇章


My life in 20 years

I'm always working hard for a bright future. I imagine _______________________________




2. 列提纲、写句子

(1) I will have a big / large house

(2) I will take good care of my parents / I will look after my parents well

(3) I will have a group of workmates who / that are easy to get on / along with

(4) We will often talk about the past school life

(5) We will have a great / good / wonderful time / enjoy ourselves during the vacation

(6) Sports can keep me healthy / fit

4. 成篇章

My life in 20 years

I'm always working hard for a bright future. I imagine I will have a better life in 20 years. I will have two children and they are cute and lovely. I will have a big house. My parents will live with us and I will take good care of them. I will have a well-paid job and I will work hard. I'm ready to take on new challenges. I will have a group of workmates who are easy to get along with. When I am free, I will meet my friends. We will often talk about the past school life. We will often go abroad for vacations. We will have a great time during the vacation. Every day after work, I will take some exercise because sports can keep me healthy. I think my life in 20 years will be exciting and wonderful. I'm working hard to make it come true.


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