
Order clerk: Hello, Torino’s Restaurant.
1. 你好。Torino 餐厅。

Nancy: Hello, I’d like to place a delivery order.

Order clerk: Can I have your address and the major cross streets, please?
3. 您的地址在哪里?哪两条路的交叉口?

Nancy: It’s 1212 Main Street, and the nearest cross streets are Speedway and Highland.
4. 1212大街, Speedway Highland 路口.

Order clerk: Okay, it looks like you’re in our delivery area. What would you like to order?
5. 好的。你应该在我们的送货范围之内。你想叫点什么?

Nancy: I’d like an order of spaghetti. Does that come with any sides?
6. 我想要一份意大利面。有什么配菜么?

Order clerk: You have a choice of soup or salad.
7. 你可以选份汤或者色拉。

Nancy: I’ll have the salad.
8. 那我要色拉吧。

Order clerk: Is that all? We have a $15 minimum for delivery orders.
9. 就这些吗?外卖满$15才起送。

Nancy: In that case, I’ll also take an appetizer sampler plate.
10. 这样的话,再来份开胃菜sampler plate(不知谁知道sampler plate或者sampler platter如何翻译)

Order clerk: Okay, that’s one order of spaghetti and an appetizer sampler plate. You’re still $3 short. Would you like a drink or some dessert?
11. 好的,您点了一份意大利面和一份开胃菜sampler plate。您还差$3.要来一份饮料或者甜点么?

Nancy: I’ll take an iced tea.
12. 给我来杯冰茶吧。

Order clerk: All right, but you’re still a dollar short.
13. 好的,不过您还差1美元呢。

Nancy: What can I get for a dollar?
14. 一美元能买什么呀?

Order clerk: There’s nothing on the menu for a dollar, ma’am.
15. 一美元什么都不能买,夫人。

Nancy: And you won’t deliver my $14 order?
16. 而且你们$14不能起送?

Order clerk: That’s our policy, ma’am.
17. 这是店里的制度,夫人。 

Nancy: All right, you win. Give me an order of bread. How long will that take?
18. 好吧。给我一份面包。要多久才能到? 

Order clerk: You should get your food in about an hour.
19. 大概一小时后能送到您的那里。 

Nancy: An hour?!?
20. 一个小时?!? 

Order clerk: Yes, ma’am. You’ve ordered a lot of food and it takes time for us to prepare it.
21. 是呀。夫人。您刚才点了好多东西,我们得花时间去做呀。

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