
1. Bit time 超级,2. 非常

Bit time是在口语中常常可以听到的短语,用来强调句中程度之高,意即“超级,非常”,可以当作副词用:
A:I need to go to the bathroom, big time!我得要上厕所,超急的!
B:There’s a toilet over there. Why don’t you go? 那里就有厕所。你为什么不去?
A:She is a big-time movie producer! 她是个大牌的电影制作人!
B:Really? Why haven’t I heard of her before then? 真的?那怎么我以前从没听说过她?

2. You bet!哪里,140. 别客气

该句是对“thank you.”的随便的、非正式的回答。不能按字面直译为“你打赌”。
A:Gosh. I just forget about my zip code. Can you tell me what it is by looking at this address?
B:With pleasure. Oh, here it is. It’s 11032. 很乐意为你效劳。哦,在这儿,是11032。
A:Thanks a lot. 太谢谢你了。
B:You bet. But you’d better make a note of it. 别客气。但你最好记一下。

3. ….be more like it. ….倒还更贴切4. 。

当我们在形容一个人或是一件东西的时候,常常在大家七嘴八舌之后,却还是不够传神,没有点出精髓,这时若你想到了绝佳的形容方法,你就可以用上这个句型…..is more like it.“….还更贴切。”
A:Jane is a little shy. 简有一点害羞。
B:A turtle hiding in her shell is more like it. 说她是缩头乌龟还更贴切。

That’s more like it. 这句类似的话也很常用。这句话的使用时机是当对方的表现终于让你有了满意的感觉,你就可以用这句话That’s more like it.“这才象话嘛。”给对方一点小小的鼓励。
A:After ten weeks of ignoring us, the boss finally said he’d give us both a raise.
B:Now that’s more like it. 这才象话嘛!

5. Make a difference 造成差别

Make a difference 是指会对现有的情况造成差别,跟以往不同。
A:I know you need some financial help. If I give you a raise, will it help?
B:Well, it will certainly make a difference. 呃,这将会大有帮助。

Make a difference 也可以指对于现状有所不满,希望未来能使大环境产生变化。
A:What do you want to do with your job? 你这一生要做什么?
B:I want to be a nurse so that I can make a difference. 我要当护士让自己力挽狂澜。

6. Read someone like an open book 看穿某人的心思

A:You and Sara seem to make a good couple. 你和萨拉真是天生一对。
B:Yeah. She reads me like an open book. 对啊。她能看穿我的心思。

7. Paint the town red 尽情享受夜生活

A:What are you going to do in New York? 你在纽约要干吗?
B:Paint the town red, of course! 夜夜笙歌,这还用问!

8. How ya doing? 你好!(最常用的一句问候语)

其中ya=you。完整的句子应该是“how are you doing?”,“are”在这里被省略了。回答通常为:“I am doing fine.”也可以说“Good”or“Great”。
A:Hi, Frank. How nice to bump into you. How ya doing? 嗨,弗兰克。遇见你真高兴。你好吗?
B:I’m doing fine. Thank you! How about you? 我很好,谢谢你!你怎么样?
A:Good. Thanks! 我很好。谢谢!

9. The only fish in the sea. 唯一的一个

A:Hi, buddy! How come you are down in the dumps? 嗨,哥们!你怎么愁眉苦脸的?
B:I broke it off with her. You know we’re engaged, but she’s been two-timing me.
A:Come on, Jim. Dump her! She’s not the only fish in the sea

10. Make sense (1)有意义;(2)了解其含义,143. 懂了

1)What you say doesn’t make any sense. I don’t want to listen to it at all.
2)To be frank, do you really make sense of what he says? 说实话,你真的听懂他的话了吗?

11. No kidding! 别开玩笑了!

在美国英语中,kid作名词指“小孩”,作动词是“开玩笑”,等于joke。“You’re kidding me!”相当于“You’re pulling my leg!”(你在跟我开玩笑!)。
A:Do you hear Nancy is getting divorce? 你听说了南希要离婚吗?
B:No kidding! Are you sure? 别开玩笑了!你肯定吗?
A:That’s what I overheard. 这是我无意中听到的。

12. How come? 为什么?(怎么?)

A:How come you’re so late? 你怎么来得这么迟?
B:You know, the buses are usually very full at this time of the day. I’m waiting for quite a long time.通常每天这个时候公交车都很挤,我等了很久才坐上。

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