


1.Network effectively rather than aimlessly. 有效地广交人脉,不要漫无目的随便跟人套近乎。

'Relationships can't be built in 60 seconds,'' Mr. Anderson insists. 'People hire people they like and trust.' So, work on building better ties with your contacts by being a reliable resource for them and offering frequent updates about your career.


You can land strong introductions through your closest contacts, social networking sites and good 'connectors,' who may have nothing to do with your line of work. These professionals, such as hairstylists, dentists, ministers and accountants, amass connections that cut across industries.


2. Sweat the small stuff. 专注小细节

Outdated clothes, frayed cuffs, messy hair, scuffed shoes or excess cleavage also signal poor judgment. 'Looking your best at any age is what you should aspire to,' advises Patricia Cook, an executive recruiter in Bronxville, N.Y.

过时的衣服、磨损的袖口、凌乱的头发、破旧的鞋子或者领口开得太低都会令别人感觉你缺乏应有的判断力。纽约州布朗克斯维尔的猎头库克(Patricia Cook)建议,“应当以适合自己年龄的最得体的装扮呈现在他人面前。”

This lesson also applies to cover letters. Inspirica, a New York high school and college tutoring concern, found mistakes in 93% of 220 letters from tutor applicants over the past year. Many flawed letters came from experienced writing tutors.


3. Make your résumé and business card work overtime for you. 充份利用简历和名片

It's equally important that your business card convey a memorable first impression. List your strongest skills or highest degree right under your name. But omit your physical address to appear flexible about relocation. Don't overlook the reverse side of your card. Rather than leave it blank, you can display the name of a prominent prior employer.


4. Pay it forward. 不求回报地帮助他人

Whether you're on the job or seeking one, you should help others propel their careers without expecting return favors.


5. Know thyself-and be ready for reinvention. 充分了解自己──做好接受新挑战的准备

ou should constantly take stock of your dreams, values and transferrable skills. Scrupulous self-assessments can ease jitters about changing your occupation, industry, locale or pay.


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